
The Track

The Current Motorcycle Test came in on 27th April 2009 and is completed in two modules.


What manoeuvres are tested?


The specified manoeuvres conducted at specific speeds will be tested in Module 1 on safe off-road sites and take on average 22 minutes. These specified manoeuvres are:

  • At least two manoeuvres carried out at slow speed, including a slalom
  • At least two manoeuvres carried out at higher speed, of which one exercise should be in second or third gear, at a speed of at least 30 km/h (approx. 19 mph) and one exercise avoiding an obstacle at a minimum speed of 50 km/h (approx. 32 mph)
  • At least two braking manoeuvres, including an emergency brake at a minimum speed of 50 km/h (approx. 32 mph)
  • The Mod 1 Layout motorcycle-manoeuvring-area-multi-purpose-test-centre




On the day of the test


On the day of the Module 1 test, candidates will be asked by the examiner to demonstrate their riding ability on either the left-hand or right-hand circuit.

Please note that the standard off-road layout may change due to local conditions on the casual sites.Those candidates who have demonstrated riding skills of a dangerously incompetent level during Module 1 will not be permitted to take Module 2.

Those candidates who have passed Module 1 will receive a Test Pass Certificate which they must bring with them when they take Module 2.

Module 2 of the test will be about 57 minutes in length and will consist of the eyesight test, road safety questions and at least 30 minutes of road riding consisting of a road ride covering a variety of road and traffic conditions and will also include normal stops, hill and angle starts.

The practical moped riding test (which does not include the high-speed requirements) will also be carried out in two modules.

The obstacle avoidance and emergency braking exercises will be carried out in Module 1 at 30 km/h (approx. 19 mph).


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